Connecting Initiatives Toward

a Sustainable Community.

GreenGreet was conceived as a solution to encourage users to create projects that have a sustainability proposal within one of the UN’s sustainable development categories.

Encouraging Sustainability

Encouraging small sustainable initiatives, even if they only have a local impact, brings great power of AWARENESS and EDUCATION, which are the basis for creating a more just and sustainable society.


Be Part of Sustainable Community

Green Greet is a platform that allows you to create and maintain a community of users engaged in sustainable project initiatives. By encouraging users to create and publish their own sustainable development projects, Green Greet shows how simple and feasible it can be for anyone to LEARN, HELP and GET INVOLVED in sustainable initiatives.

The platform allows the user to publish the details of their project in the form of an NFT on the XRPL, receive funds and grow their green profile, creating a network of credibility and relationships.

Why is GreenGreet Decentralized? It is yours !

The main feature of Green Greet is to be decentralized and collaborative. It is integrated into XRPL Ecosystem with total control and transparency of transactions. The platform guides users to provide all the necessary data to post and fund their projects.Each project receives a sustainability impact metric (ESG) from the system, and a reliability metric (Green Points) inherited from each user’s transactions. Green Greet is open source and can grow with user contributions and implementations from the XRPL developer community.


Project Vision

Members work together to make a difference, the creation of a platform that brings together the experiences of individuals, organizations, and companies that have made a difference through their initiatives is a great way to learn from each other and spread sustainable knowledge.

Create Your Sustainable Project

The Green Greet platform will guide to describe the project in detail (text, images, videos). Set a value and a time frame to receive funds from the community. Create an NFT of the project.

Receive Funding

The NFT of the project must be acquired in order to release the funding. The Green Greet users comunity will help to acquive this goal making donationos to the project and reducing the final NFT aquision cost.

Conclude and Show Results

To create new projects and receive the green points, the user needs to generate an NFT for the project conclusion showing the project results and inspiring others to do similar initiatives in their communities.

grow in comunity

The Green Profile

The basis for building a network of credibility and visibility. Green Greet works with a reputation system – the Green Profile. When users complete any successful transaction, their profile grows. Projects inherit their author’s profile and dynamically receive points from the profile of their donors. This way, the community itself will evaluate the projects and their authors.

Personal Profile

Receive Green points for creating and concluding projects. Help fund others’ projects and receive points for transactions.

Project Profile

The more users with a good green profile supporting the project, the greater its relevance, visibility, and credibility.

Reward Points

The platform encourages ​​users to acquire NFTs rewarding the total value in points independent of the NFT’s final acquisition value.

ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance

Sustainability Impact Metric

GreenGreet will automatically provide a simple ESG score for each project. It will help the authors better understand their projects’ impacts and improve their visibility on the platform.


The PROMISE Framework is an ESG tool that can guide us to understand better how sustainable initiative projects will perform. Each of the seven letters of PROMISE represents a dimension, and It’s possible to measure the implications (tensions) of the project in each one of them.


it is possible to quantify and measure the tension (impact) of the project in each dimension. It can materialize in a value for a trade-off or Win-Win situation; this analysis can help holistically understand the overall effect of the project and its implications for sustainability.

gree greet – sustainable initiative projects

Featured Projects

Learn about projects, get envolve, be part of sustainble comunity.

Teachers’ Influence in Development of Sustainable Practices in Uganda

The project trains teachers to work with students to encourage novel, sustainable ways to conduct existing practices, such as farming or cooking. These changes in practice can reduce dependence on natural resources, thereby reducing habitat encroachment and loss, which are key threats to chimpanzees and other species found in the National Park region.


    Dr. Paul
    Dr. Paul

    Professor- Green Profile: 20,000 points

    I’m very glad to suport the sustainable initiative in Village Kimbo. Teacher training program can influence students, as well as their families and communities, to adopt sustainable behaviors to drive community-based conservation initiatives. NFT XRP 5,000 (3,900 Funded -1,100 Offer)